Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Intintiko usiri

It is a programme to plant and protect one Amla plant per a house in collaboration with forest department and with active participation of Vasavi Club duly involving the school children and SHGs. Municipal Commissioner went to AVM School,Anjali School, Navodaya school, Maruthi School, Teja school and created the awareness about the advantages of Amla plant as follows:

 • Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C and it has many vitamins and minerals. Thus it can cure the anemia prevalent in our country. It also acts as immunity booster. • It can prevent cancer though its anti- oxidants presence. • It has been used as food since long time and it has many chemical properties. • It acts as a digestive. • It prevents the diabetics. • It also stimulates the liver. • It is used as hair tonic. • Many ayurvedic medicines such as triphala, chyavaprash has Amla as its main constituent • It is believed that it also cures the ill effects of Radiation.

The plant has the power of healing effect and it is one of the highest oxygen giving plants. Thus also stimulates the activeness in children. It is believed in Ayurveda that Srimahavishnu stays on this plant. In the karthika masa, many Hindhus visit and pray this plant to heal their illness.

 Teachers were asked to give the plants to the children who dig the pit and record the name and telephone number of child. It was also requested to announce prizes to the students who take care in sustaining. Sensitizing programmes were also conducted among the SHGs.The plants were distributed in vijaya colony and 22nd ward.Block plantation is taken up in the open places protected in the 22nd ward at two places.

 In this regard , Vasavi club has taken up awareness programmes by going to some households. They have also published a pamphlet illustrating the advantages of Amla and amla plant. In addition to this the advantages of protecting the plants are also explained during the sensitizing programmes.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

HUDCO Award to SURYAPET Municipality

Suryapet Municipality has won the HUDCO Award under environmental management category. The following are the areas of the work submitted for the award • Tree plantation • Lake water conservation • Solid Waste management • Energy saving • Kitchen gardens • Herbal park • Solar energy. On 25-04-2012 Sri.B.Srinivas, Commissioner, Suryapet Municipality has received the award, appreciation, one lakh cheque from the auspicious hands of Kum.shelja, Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation. Sri.A.K.Mishra,secretary, HUPA and Sri.Baligar,CMD,HUDCO were also present in the function. (The details are already existing in the form of posts.The interested persons can read the posts for comprehensive knowledge.)

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Adoption of hostels by Suryapet Municipality

Aim: To adopt the hostels in the suryapet town for the overall development of hostels by arranging the tuitions through the retired but not tired teachers and other interested persons, providing library books, arranging deficit infrastructure of water, toilets, and lights, fans through the philanthropic persons. Also providing the medical facilities at low cost or no cost and training those in yoga and ayurveda.To grow the medicinal and nutritional plants in the premises of hostels.
Basis: The Commissioner and director of Municipal Administration and District Collector envisage adopting the hostels and working for the development of hostels through the retired but not tired persons.

Expected outcomes:

To provide better facilities to the students staying in hostels.
• To reduce the dropout students.
• To increase the literacy levels in the neglected classes.
• To increase caring feeling in children.
• To increase the number of children in the hostels.
• To train the brains of the students in a better way.
• To provide useful community work for retired but not tired people.
• To inculcate knowledge about great people and leaders of India and India.
• To bring down the disparities among the people.
• To provide opportunities to the people who want to serve.
• To bring down the anemia in students.

Activity: Contacted the old age association and Retired employees association. The willingness of Municipality to adopt the all the hostels in the suryapet town on the auspicious day of Birthday of Babu Jagjeevanram is declared. On the same day, a meeting is convened involving above two associations, IMA,Hostel Welfare Officers, Asst. B.C. Welfare Officer, Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Municipal staff, and N.G.Os.

On the birthday of phule, books, fans are donated to the hostels duly collecting from the Vasavi club, Municipal employees union, Mother Theresa B.Ed college. On the birthday of Ambedkar, some philanthropists have declared gifts of water filters. Many more works have to be taken up in future.

Lessons learnt:

• Many numbers of people have to be involved for better results.
• To delegate hostels to Municipal staff.
• Many people exist to help out poor in society, but they are not or poorly explored.
• This work is not a burden but to be viewed as service to poor.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Can we make suryapet a solar city?

Already suryapet municipality has initiated energy saving initiatives in the street lighting, watersupply ,etc. The same is elucidated in the blog with a caption of energy saving.Some initiatives are also taken in private sector also.

Exemplary initiatives taken in energy conservation /renewable energy by the private sector:

1. Suryapet Municipality initiated a programme by encouraging each employee to purchase one solar light.

2. Municipal Commissioner convinced one private Junior College and Sudhakar P.V.C. Company to replace the existing lighting systems with L E Ds and succeeded in implementing the same by them.
3. Solar LED/ CFL inverters were installed in (16) houses including staff houses. The Bankers were requested to arrange loans for the same, steps are taken to schedule the loan re-payment at affordable level and EMI fixed is almost equal to the saving.
4. 15 Solar lanterns were supplied to poor people through NED CAP, on subsidy.
5. 2000 Solar lanterns were supplied to staff of other departments & people in the town.
6. 66 solar lanterns were supplied to staff of Suryapet Municipality.
7. 500 solar fans were supplied in Suryapet town.
8. One electrical shop has come forward to sell the solar inverters by having tie up with local Bank for soft loan and subsidy through NABARD..


Municipality has enough expertise in solar energy. The head of town planning wing is responsible for installing solar utilities in all the new buildings. Sanitary Inspector is responsible for installing solar utilities in commercial establishments. Municipal Engineer is responsible for implementing the project and installation in office, water works, etc.

The town presidents of all parties would be members of local expert group. The hon’ble M.L.A. would chair the expert group.


Suryapet municipality wants to apply for the solar city programme. As a part of that municipality has to ensure certain conditions, such as following the Solid Waste Management Rules, Rain water harvesting, etc.The same is being followed already.

Political willingness

On 24-03-2012 an all party meeting is convened by the special Officer sri.G.P.Neelakantam, where in all the parties have expressed the willingness to encouraged the programme.Hon’ble M.L.A has recommended for implementation of the programme.

Administrative willingness

The staff has shown their willingness to participate in the programme.All of them including the commissioner and special officer sir has also realized the importance of involving many people.The district collector sir has also agreed orally for the proposal.


Presently the subsidies are available .NABARD is offering subsidies @36% and beneficiary contribution is 14% and rest of the 50% would be the loan.Presently solar inverters are being supplied by the Andromeda company.The EMI payment for the purchase of 30000 rupees inverter is only 250 rupees and interest @6% per annum.
Bankers’ willingness
The need of implementing the scheme is explained to the Bankers during the Town Level Banker’s Committee meeting. Consequently, APGVB has grounded 16 solar inverters. Their cooperation is tremendous. The manager has also agreed to ground not less than 1000 units in the next one year. Other managers are also on the way to do the same.

Participation of companies

Some companies are already expressed the willingness to participate in the solar city programme.The are ready to express their willingness for deployment of additional staff for the purpose of motivation, execution, installation and servicing.


Information, Education and Communication is the key point in achieving the desired results. The same would be done by both companies and Suryapet Municipality. The pamphlets, wall paintings, press clippings, city cable scrolling would be done.


There is every possibility of achieving the targets of solar city in short duration, as there is large scale willingness in every corner in the town. In addition to this, it is in implementation in short scale. Hence, it is now the responsibility of the people under guidance of suryapet municipality, a complete environmental town by implementing solar city programme.